For additional questions, please contact the Surplus Warehouse (801-567-8709) or Fixed Assets (801-567-8717 or 801-567-8719).
Fixed Assets FAQs
Fixed Asset Guidelines and Exception List - 2022
- Q) What needs to be tagged?
A) The most common items we tag are technology, audio/visual, custodial, kitchen, vocational, or copy room equipment. A few items are tagged by Information Systems instead. See this Items that Need Asset Tags List (you must be signed into your JSD email) for a detailed list of items we consider fixed assets, and which items your tech should tag instead. - Q) How do I get new assets tagged? What if a tag isn't legible or has been removed?
A) If you receive a new asset or need a replacement tag, contact Fixed Assets and we will arrange to tag it for you. If you’re at a secondary school, please contact your school’s Fixed Assets Aide. - Q) Do we tag items that are donated or purchased with legislative, department, school, or grant money?
A) Yes, anything that is considered a fixed asset should be tagged. - Q) Why do we inventory? How often do we need to do inventory?
A) Completing an annual inventory is District and State policy (see the JSD Financial Accounting Manual, page 14). Regularly completing inventory also helps your school or department track item status, compile surplus, schedule replacements for technology, catch any errors, and maintain a financial record of equipment.
— You should complete inventory annually, no later than June 1 of each school year. Every school and department is expected to complete an annual inventory. Contact us to request your inventory report at anytime (we will email it to you in February if you haven't contacted us beforehand).
— If you need help starting your inventory, contact Fixed Assets and we will help you make a plan! If you are inventorying an elementary school or department, see theFixed Assets Elementary Inventory Training - April 2022 and contact us if you need additional help. For secondary schools, contact your school's Fixed Asset Aide.
- Q) Can I run my own inventory report on Skyward?
A) Yes, you can run a PDF report yourself. However, we prefer to create an Excel/Google Sheets inventory report for you. The spreadsheet report includes information that's unavailable on the PDF, is easily searchable, and helps prevent data entry errors. Contact Fixed Assets at any time for a new report. - Q) What are the Equipment Transfer or Surplus Item Declaration forms?
A) These forms help Fixed Assets accurately track changes to your inventory. When you fill out a Surplus form, you are declaring that an item is obsolete or broken and needs to be removed from your school. When you fill out a Transfer form, you are alerting us to a change in item location, and the item will be removed from the old location's inventory and added to the new location's inventory. (See Fixed Assets & Surplus Forms.) - Q) Who do I send completed paperwork to?
A) First make a copy for your files. (See Fixed Assets & Surplus Forms.)
— Send SURPLUS paperwork to your Area Administrator for their signature. After they sign it, they will send it to us.
— Send TRANSFER paperwork directly to Fixed Assets.
— Send LOST/STOLEN/VANDALIZED paperwork to your Area Administrator for their signature. After they sign it, they will send it to us.
- Q) If an employee is transferring to another location and wants to take equipment with them, what do we do?
A) Transfer paperwork must be filled out prior to leaving and should include the employee's name and who delivered the equipment.
— Teachers must have approval from the principal where they are presently assigned and the principal at the new school they are going to (NOTE: Teacher 21st Century iPads must remain at the school that the teacher is leaving.)
— Administrators need approval from their Administrator of Schools.
— Departmental employees need approval from their Director. - Q) Can I trade in our old asset for a new one?
A) Yes, but all items purchased still need to meet the purchasing guidelines and approval of the buyer of that commodity. If a vendor offers a trade-in value, it needs to be in writing and noted on the purchase order. The trade-in should be subtracted from the price of the new item, with the surplused item’s fixed asset number and description listed on the PO. Schools should fill out and sign a Surplus Declaration form for the old items and make a note that it is a trade-in (see Fixed Assets & Surplus Forms). Fixed Assets must be notified once the new item arrives so we can put a new asset number on it.
Surplus FAQs
Surplus Handling Guidelines - 2020
- Q) How long does it take for our surplus to be picked up?
A) Once surplus paperwork is submitted to your Principal and Area Administrator, it will be sent to Fixed Assets. From there it will take about 2–4 weeks to be processed by Fixed Assets. A pick-up will be scheduled when we receive enough paperwork to do so and have adequate warehouse space for storage.
Please plan ahead. Please do not wait until the last second (such as right before a renovation, the end of the school year, or winter break) to submit your paperwork. Last-second requests make it difficult for us to properly store items and complete the auction process, which can delay surplus pickups for other locations. - Q) Where is the Surplus Warehouse?
A) The Surplus Warehouse is part of the Auxiliary Services Building. We are on the northeast side of the building, accessible by the alley between the ASB and Master Muffler. A large sign says “Surplus Sales” next to the warehouse’s set of double doors. Please ring the doorbell for assistance. - Q) What do we do with books?
A) Please have your librarians notify you when they have surplus books and have completed a Surplus Media or Surplus Textbook form (see Fixed Assets & Surplus Forms). Media center books (not textbooks) may also be given away to students, and giving books a second life like this is preferable! - Q) If a surplus item doesn't have a tag, can't we just throw it away?
A) No. All District equipment, furniture, and books that are no longer needed must be listed on surplus paperwork. Surplus will ensure all items are properly redistributed, sold, recycled, or otherwise disposed of. - Q) What is available in the Surplus Warehouse for JSD Employees?
A) Availability of furniture and equipment changes regularly. If you need something specific, please call the Surplus Warehouse and we can check availability for you. If you want to see available items for yourself, you can visit the warehouse Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Q) How can I buy surplus items for personal use?
A) Surplus items are sold through the online auction site Public Surplus. Anyone can create an account on that website to bid on surplus items. JSD auctions run for one (1) week, usually Thursday to Thursday ending at 1:30 p.m. - Q) What if our school wants something that is on auction?
A) You can call the Surplus Warehouse and request a transfer, and we will pull the item off the auction for your school. Requests must be made by the day before the auction closes—on the final day, it is already considered sold. - Q) Do you sell computers?
A) No, computers cannot be sold to JSD employees or the public. We are currently contracted with TAM Solutions to properly handle surplus technology.